Definition of Day laborer

1. Noun. A laborer who works by the day; for daily wages.

Exact synonyms: Day Labourer
Generic synonyms: Jack, Laborer, Labourer, Manual Laborer

Definition of Day laborer

1. Noun. A laborer who is is hired and paid one day at a time, with no promise that more work will be available in the future. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Day Laborer

day camp
day care
day care center
day care centers
day count convention
day for night
day game
day hospital
day in, day out
day in and day out
day in day out
day in the sun
day jessamine
day job
day labor
day laborer
day laborers
day labourer
day late, dollar short
day lily
day neutral plant
day nursery
day of reckoning
day of remembrance
day of rest
day of the month
day of the week
day off
day one
day or night

Literary usage of Day laborer

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Lawyers' Reports Annotated by Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company (1915)
"—$7500—day laborer, over 40 years of age earning $2.25 per day—pelvic bone fractured in 2 places, still on crutches and suffering pain at end of 6 years, ..."

2. Judicial and Statutory Definitions of Words and Phrases by West Publishing Company (1904)
"day laborer. "A day laborer Is one who performs day labor or performs labor by the ... "A day laborer is one whose engagement to labor Is but a day long. ..."

3. Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America from Washington to by John Stevens Cabot Abbott (1867)
"A Day-laborer. — A Boatman. — A Shopkeeper. — A Student.— A Legislator. — A Lawyer. — A Member of Congress. — A Political Speaker.— The Debate with Douglas. ..."

4. Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America from Washington to by John Stevens Cabot Abbott (1867)
"... Day-laborer. — A Boatman. — A Shopkeeper. — A Student. — A Legislator. — A Lawyer. — A Member of Congress. — A Political Speaker. ..."

5. Universal Biography: Containing a Copious Account, Critical and Historical John Lemprière by John Lemprière (1810)
"He »a* originally a day laborer to carry the storu •and mortar for the ша ... day laborer ..."

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